Lavender Bloom Tote
Lavender Bloom Tote
Embrace the enchanting allure of the Lavender Bloom Straw Tote, a delightful accessory that blends sophistication and eco-friendliness. Handcrafted from natural and sustainable materials, this tote boasts a charming design of three delicate light purple flowers that evoke a sense of whimsy and charm.
Spacious and practical, the Lavender Bloom Straw Tote is perfect for all your casual outings and adventures. It offers ample room to carry your essentials, while the sturdy handles ensure comfortable carrying for hours on end.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and indulge in the luxuries of sustainable fashion with the Lavender Bloom Straw Tote. It's the perfect embodiment of style and function that's sure to turn heads wherever you go.
Length: 16 inches
Height: 11 inches
Width: 8 inches